Sunday, September 25, 2011


Prayer is supposed to be a conversation between me and God. But too many times it's one sided. I give God my requests and tell Him what I want and that's it.

My Rooted group will be going through their Prayer Experience in less than seven days. I have the humbling honor in leading them in this. But my prayer life is not the ideal that should be modeled for them.

Today has been a time of reflection to evaluate where I am with my prayer life. I speak, but I rarely listen. God has things to say to me but I'm just not open to hearing His voice. There's too much "noise" in my life with work, bills, broken relationships, and concerns about the future. I've let these things take priority over my relationship with God and I just don't have time for Him. It's time to make changes. It's time to refocus.

While others try to "find" the time, I need to "make" the time to step back from all that is going on in my life and spend quality quiet time with YHWH. I need to step back from all the noise and pray in private with Elohim. This needs to be on a regular basis at a specific time of day, either as the day begins or at day's end. My prayers have to be frank, honest and genuine. I have to have faith that what I ask for I can expect to receive, or receive something even better.

But then I need to listen for His still, small voice. The noise has to be kept out as I listen for His answer. Once I hear it, I must obey. This is dangerous for me because I don't always obey which leads me to the edge of catastrophe. I have to be more intentional in doing what I hear Him tell me.

So now the adventure begins...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Goodbye

Misty-eyed I left you. It has been a long hard journey with so many ups and downs. But it has also been a journey that has brought me an intimacy that I have never known. You brought me closer to One whom I have been after for so long. We have spent more time together the last nine months than ever before.

You brought many into my life; people that I would not have met otherwise. They came from all walks of life. Their diversity gave me a new insight and a hope for humanity.

The battles have been hard to bear. I knew there would be battles, but they were more than anyone would ever expect. I am weary and I don't think I can go on.

I felt relief, but also sadness as I walked away. We had been involved so deeply. I gave so much and much was taken. But it was worth it. You brought so much good into my life. You changed me. You changed me in the deepest sense for eternity.

I will have fond memories of you, but regretfully, and with a heavy heart I am leaving.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Yes, it's Father's Day today. It's a day when dads all over the country will be celebrated for the integral part that they play in their children's lives. There will be barbecues, baseball games to go to or watch on TV and dining out with family and friends. Fathers will be honored with cards and gifts. It will be a beautiful day of celebration. But not for all.

There also are those dads that society doesn't acknowledge like they do those special mothers that raise their children without a man in the house. There are single dads all over that will not be celebrated because of divorce. Circumstances have taken them out of what God designed for them in their children's lives. They won't be with their children. They won't be celebrated or honored.

These dads have accepted the roles that society has dictated to them, but they continue to be there for their children. They endure the heartache of not being a bigger part of their children's lives. They continue to love when they are unloved.

To all the dads, want-to-be dads, going-to-be dads and single dads, have a happy Father's Day knowing that your Father in heaven acknowledges who you are and loves you for what you have chosen to be for your children.