Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Yes, it's Father's Day today. It's a day when dads all over the country will be celebrated for the integral part that they play in their children's lives. There will be barbecues, baseball games to go to or watch on TV and dining out with family and friends. Fathers will be honored with cards and gifts. It will be a beautiful day of celebration. But not for all.

There also are those dads that society doesn't acknowledge like they do those special mothers that raise their children without a man in the house. There are single dads all over that will not be celebrated because of divorce. Circumstances have taken them out of what God designed for them in their children's lives. They won't be with their children. They won't be celebrated or honored.

These dads have accepted the roles that society has dictated to them, but they continue to be there for their children. They endure the heartache of not being a bigger part of their children's lives. They continue to love when they are unloved.

To all the dads, want-to-be dads, going-to-be dads and single dads, have a happy Father's Day knowing that your Father in heaven acknowledges who you are and loves you for what you have chosen to be for your children.