It's amazing how God speaks to each one of us. There are people that hear God's audible voice, although I'm not one of them. There are those that hear God's voice as He speaks to them through others. There are those that hear God's voice in observing His creation. Then there are those, like me, that hear God's voice through circumstances in life.
I went into a chapel yesterday intending to have a little quiet time with God. When I walked in, though, there was a man tuning the grand piano at the front of the chapel. At first it was very distracting and I got uncomfortable because I wanted to spend time with my Daddy and this guy was getting in the way of me communicating with Him. Little did I realize at that moment that my Daddy was speaking to me.
I resigned myself to the fact that this man was going to be there awhile tuning the piano, but as I listened I noticed something. There was a piano string that he used to tune other strings of the same note to. The others were slightly out of tune and it didn't take too much use of his tuning tool to get the other strings in tune. That's when I began to hear God.
He told me that when we lead a sinless life, which doesn't last very long for me, we are in tune with God. But when we stray from His ideal for us, as slight or innocent as it may seem, we become out of tune like the out of tune piano strings. We are close, but out of tune enough to be irritating. When we're out of tune, I believe we become an irritation to Him like the Israelites of the Old Testament.
This is where we need a piano tuner in our lives. That tuner is an accountability partner, someone who we can trust with our darkest secrets. It's someone who is mature and gifted with a godly wisdom. For me, this was a confirmation of what a friend had suggested to me just the night before. The search now starts for my piano tuner.